Winlink Training Net


The Pinellas ACS Winlink training net will be used to familiarize ARES®/ACS participants with Winlink skills and to practice digital network operations. Each net will be narrowly focused on a small set of Winlink skills and will be designed to require one hour or less to complete. Network activities will include both directed radio nets and unmanaged radio nets. Directed radio nets will have an active net control station and make use of local VHF/UHF repeaters, RMS gateways, digipeaters, and simplex frequencies. Unmanaged nets will not have an active net control station and will have an operating window of one to five days. Unmanaged nets are designed to provide participants with the additional time needed to research, practice, or request assistance before performing the planned network activity.


The net control station will send a Winlink bulletin to all registered Pinellas ACS Winlink Training Net participants on the Monday prior to a scheduled Winlink net. The Bulletin will contain the following information.

  • Training Net Objectives
  • Network type, date, time, and duration
  • Description of net activities
  • Location of additional material needed to support the net

The training net will be conducted in accordance with the information provided in the weekly Winlink training bulletin.


Winlink Training Nets will take place twice per month. A training net will not take place in the same week that a Winlink Drill, Functional Test, Simulated Emergency Test, or Full-Scale Exercise is scheduled.


As a rule, Winlink users will participate in training nets from their home QTH.

Winlink Training Net Activity

15 March 2023

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Import a generic text file. Copy and paste the data into an ICS 213 template-based message. Assign the message a precedence of ROUTINE and send the message to the NCS.
  • Import an ICS 213 text file that was created by a non-Winlink user who created the file using an exported copy of the ICS 213 HTML form. Load the imported text file directly into an ICS 213. Assign the message a precedence of PRIORITY and send the message to all net participants.
  • Import a generic CSV file. Attach the file to an ICS 213 template-based message. Assign the message a precedence of IMMEDIATE and send it to all net participants.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 214 and Winlink ICS 309 that documents the activities associated with the Winlink training net. After the net is closed, send the documents to the NCS and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Support Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

01 March 2023

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Winlink Field Situation Report using the information provided by the net control station. Assign the message a precedence of PRIORITY. Send the completed message to all net participants.
  • Attach a photograph to an ICS213. Resize the photograph to the size specified by the NCS. Assign the message a precedence of IMMEDIATE and send it to all net participants and the Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 214 and Winlink ICS 309 that documents the activities associated with the Winlink training net. After the net is closed, send the documents to the NCS and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer (PACS-ADMIN).

Support Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

15 February 2023

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer (PACS-ADMIN).
  • Create a Winlink ICS213RR using the information provided by the net control station. Assign the message a precedence of IMMEDIATE. Send the completed message to the net control station and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 214 and Winlink ICS 309 that documents the activities associated with the Winlink training net. After the net is closed, send the documents to the NCS and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer (PACS-ADMIN).

Support Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

1 February 2023

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer (PACS-ADMIN).
  • Create and Send a Winlink GPS Position Report message.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 213 message. Format the message as an EXERCISE message and assign the message a precedence of IMMEDIATE. Send the completed message to all net participants.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 214 and Winlink ICS 309 that documents the activities associated with the Winlink training net. After the net is closed, send the documents to the NCS and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer (PACS-ADMIN).

Support Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

18 January 2023

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create and Send a Winlink GPS Position Report message.
  • Upon receipt of a Winlink General Message (ICS213) from the net control station, send a Winlink General Response message to the NCS that answers all the questions listed in the original General message.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 214 and Winlink ICS 309 that documents the activities associated with the Winlink training net. After the net is closed, send the documents to the NCS and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Support Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

16 November 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Import a generic text file. Copy and paste the data into an ICS 213 template-based message. Send the message to all net participants.
  • Import an MS Excel Spreadsheet from the PACS Winlink Training Website. Convert the contents to a CSV File. Attach the CSV File to an ICS 213 template-based message. Send the message to all net participants.
  • Import an ICS 213 text file that was created by a non-Winlink user who created the file using an exported copy of the ICS 213 HTML form. Load the imported text file directly into an ICS 213 and send the message to all net participants.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 214 and Winlink ICS 309 that documents the activities associated with the Winlink training net. After the net is closed, send the documents to the NCS and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer

Support Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

26 October 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Upon receipt of an ICS 204 Assignment List message, perform the actions and comply with the requirements detailed in the document.
  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Field Situation Report and send the message to all net participants.
  • Create a Local Weather Report and send the message to all net participants.
  • Display Field Situation Report and Local Weather Report data on a map of Pinellas County.
  • Create a Winlink ICS 214 and Winlink ICS 309 that documents the activities associated with the Winlink training net. After the net is closed, send the documents to the NCS and the Pinellas ACS Admin Officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

24 August 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Upon receipt of an ICS 204 Assignment List message, perform the actions and comply with the requirements detailed in the document.
  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Update the local Winlink Catalog list via the internet.
  • Post and send a request for the GOES16 Satellite picture of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Upon receipt of an ICS 213 general message, perform the actions detailed in the message and send an ICS 213 reply message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Field Situation Report and send the message to all net participants.
  • Attach and send an image file to a Winlink message and send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

3 August 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Update the local Winlink Catalog list via the internet.
  • Post and send a request for the GOES16 Satellite picture of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Post and send a request for the location of mobile users posting reports in the last 30 days.
  • Create an ICS 213 general message. For each Winlink mobile user within 100 nautical miles (NM) of your location, list within the message the call sign, distance from your local station, Position, date and time reported, and comments. Set the message precedence to PRIORITY and send the completed message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

20 July 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Import, resize, and send a photograph to all net participants.
  • Create a Local Weather Report and send the message to all net participants.
  • Create and post a GPS/Position report.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

06 July 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Create a simple Winlink message, set the message precedence to PRIORITY, and send the completed message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a simple Winlink message, set the message precedence to IMMEDIATE, and send the completed message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Local Weather Report template-based message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • View Winlink Check-in and Local Weather Report data using the Winlink mapping function.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

22 June 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS via a Winlink Peer-to-Peer (P2P) exchange.
  • Create a simple Winlink message and then send the message to a net participant, other than the NCS, using a P2P exchange via a VARA FM digipeater.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS via a Winlink P2P exchange.
  • Create an ICS 214 that documents the activities associated with the June 22nd Winlink Training net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 214 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the June 22nd, Winlink Training Net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

25 May 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create an ICS 213 and send the completed message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Upon receipt of an ICS 213 from the NCS, perform the actions requested by the ICS 213. Once each action has been completed, send an ICS 213 Reply message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create an ICS 214 that documents the activities associated with the May 25th Winlink Training net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 214 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the May 25th, Winlink Training Net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

16 March 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Upon receipt of an ICS 213 from the NCS, perform the actions requested by the ICS 213. Once each action has been completed, send an ICS 213 Reply message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create an ICS 214 that documents the activities associated with the March 16th Winlink Training net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 214 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the March 16th, Winlink Training Net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

16 February 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Create an ICS 213 using the data posted on the PACS website. Send the completed ICS 213 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create an ICS 214 that documents the activities associated with the February 16th Winlink Training net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 214 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the February 16th, 2022, Winlink Training Net. After the net is closed, send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

05 January 2022

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Identify and report the version number of Winlink Express and Winlink message template installed on the user’s Winlink computer.
  • Create a group address that contains the Winlink address of each registered PACS Winlink net participant.
  • Create a Winlink Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • View Winlink Check-in and Check-out messages data using the Winlink mapping function.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the January 5th, 2022, Winlink Training Net. Send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Material

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

15 December 2021

Net Objectives

The following objectives have been assigned to this week’s Winlink Training Net.

  • Create a Winlink Express Check-in message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Create a SHARES Spotrep-2 template based message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • View Winlink Express Check-in message data and SHARES Spotrep-2 message data using the Winlink mapping function.
  • Create a Winlink Express Check-out message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the December 15th, 2021, Winlink Training Net. Send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting information

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

2 December 2021

Net Objectives

The following net objectives are planned for this week’s net.

  • Create and send a Winlink Express Check-in message and a Winlink Express Check-out message.
  • Import Winlink contacts from an external text file.
  • Import, resize, and send a photograph to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.
  • Create a SHARES Spotrep-2 template based message and then send the message to all net participants.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the December 2nd, 2021, Winlink Training Net. Send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Information

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

3 November 2021

Net Objectives

The following net objectives are planned for this week’s training net.

  • Create and send a Winlink Express Check-in message and a Winlink Express Check-out message.
  • Create an ICS 217A template-based message. Enter the required information into the form manually. Save the form contents and then send the message to the NCS.
  • Upon receipt of updated ICS 217A worksheet information from the NCS, create a second ICS 217A based message, reload the previously stored worksheet data, manually update the contents, and send the updated form to the NCS.
  • Create a SHARES Spotrep-2 template based message and then send the message to the NCS.
  • Create an ICS 309 template based Winlink message that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during the November 3rd, 2021, Winlink Training Net. Send the completed ICS 309 template-based message to the NCS and Pinellas ACS Admin officer.

Supporting Information

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

13 October 2021

Net Objectives

The following net objectives are planned for this week’s training net.

  • Create and send a Winlink Express Check-in message and a Winlink Express Check-out message.
  • Create and send an ICS 213 status report.
  • Create and send an ICS 213RR Resource Request message using the data supplied in Winlink bulletin 7.
  • Create an ICS 309, Communication Log, that documents all the Winlink message traffic sent and received by your station during this week’s Winlink Training Net. Send the PDF version of the ICS 309 to net control via standard email (not Winlink email).

Supporting Information

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

29 September 2021

Net Objectives

This week we will practice creating and sending the ICS General Message form ICS 213 Reply and ICS 213 RR Resource request messages.

  • Create and send a Winlink Express Check-in message and a Winlink Express Check-out message.
  • Create a reply to an ICS 213 message that properly utilized blocks 9 and 10 of the form.
  • Create an ICS 213RR message using the data supplied by this bulletin. Address the message to Net Control and the Pinellas ACS Admin officer (PACS-ADMIN). Send the message when directed by net control.

Supporting Information

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

15 September 2021

Net Objectives

This week we will practice creating and sending the ICS General Message form ICS 213. This form is used to send messages between served agency personnel that require a written record of transmission and therefore cannot be transmitted orally.

  • Create and send two ICS 213 general messages.
  • Create an ICS 213 message using the data supplied in Winlink bulletin 005. Save the message data for later use. Address the message to the NCS and save the message in the Winlink DRAFT folder until you are requested to send.
  • Load the saved ICS 213 message data into a second ICS 213 message. Address the message to PACS Admin Officer and save the message in the Winlink DRAFT folder until you are requested to send.
  • Save a copy of each ICS 213 as a PDF to a folder on the desktop of the Winlink computer. At the conclusion of the net, email the PDF files to the NCS.

Supporting Information

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

1 September 2021

Net Objectives

During our last training net on August 18th, we practiced creating and sending the Winlink Express Check-in form. We did not have time to practice the other training objectives planned for the week, so this week we will try again. This week’s net will, to a large extent, duplicate the activities we performed on August 18th.

  • Provide training to the membership on Winlink Express Check in and Check-out Forms.
  • Practice exchanging unformatted digital messages between net participants while operating in a controlled net.
  • Provide training of mixed mode voice and digital network operations.

Supporting Information

Net participants are requested to review the Weekly Winlink Bulletin prior to the net so that they are familiar with the net’s planned activities.

18 August 2021

Net Objectives

  • Provide training to the membership on Winlink Express Check in and Check-out Forms.
  • Practice exchanging unformatted digital messages between net participants while operating in a controlled net.
  • Provide training of mixed mode voice and digital network operations.

Supporting Information

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