Winlink Training Plan

This document defines the minimum set of Winlink skills needed to support the deployment of Pinellas County (PinCo) Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) volunteers during an activation event or exercise. The document provides detailed steps that should be followed during training nets and exercises to demonstrate proficiency with each Winlink skill.

The completion of the training defined in this document does not by itself signify that an individual is qualified to support an activation event. Readers should refer to the Pinellas County ACS/ARES® Emergency Communication Plan and Standard Operating Procedures document for a complete set of training requirements.

Although this document describes the skills, rationale, and training approach that will be used to qualify PinCo ACS Winlink operators, it does not provide the step-by-step information needed to install and configure the applicable computer programs or a description of the steps needed to perform the identified tasks.

Comments and recommendations are welcome.

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