Digital Software Downloads

This is the one-stop page for downloading the digital software used by Pinellas ACS. Depending on the software, training and supporting material may be on the Digital Training page.

Winlink ExpressRadio E-mail SystemWinlink Express (registered US Service Mark) is a worldwide radio messaging system that uses amateur-band radio and government frequencies to provide radio email with attachments, position reporting, weather bulletins, emergency and relief communications, and message relay. The system is built and administered by the Amateur Radio Safety FoundationWinlink Express
UZ7HOSound ModemSoftware Packet Radio TNC that supports the AX.25 protocol. Sound modem 113
VARA FMSound ModemVARA FM is a proprietary High Speed Software Modem that uses Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) protocols to minimize message errors. It was developed by Jose Alberto Nieto Ros, EA5HVK, and is designed to work with Winlink Express.VARA FM
VARA HFSound ModemVARA HF is a proprietary High Speed Software Modem that uses Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) protocols to minimize message errors. It was developed by Jose Alberto Nieto Ros, EA5HVK, and is designed to work with Winlink Express.VARA HF
VarACP2P messaging and file transfer program.Peer-to-Peer text messaging and file transfer program. It works in conjunction with the VARA HF and VARA FM software modems on HF and VHF/UHF respectively.VarAC
VARA ChatA point-to-Point messaging and file exchange program.VARA Chat is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) text messaging and file transfer program developed by Jose Alberto Nieto Ros, EA5HVK. It works in conjunction with the VARA HF and VARA FM software modems on HF and VHF/UHF respectively.VARA Chat
JS8CallText Message Exchange.JS8Call is software using the JS8 digital mode providing weak signal keyboard to keyboard messaging.JS8Call
APRSIS32APRSAPRSISCE/32 is an advanced Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) Client for Amateur Radio. It is written to run under window; however, it will also run on Linux and Mac OS under WINE.APRSIS32
EcholinkRF connections via the internetEchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using streaming-audio technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio's communications capabilitiesEcholink
Fldigi/flarqNarrow Band Emergency Messaging Software (NBEMS)Fldigi is a free multi-platform (Windows, OS X, Linux, Free-BSD) program that supports many different digital modes including MT63. Includes flarq: a companion program to fldigi that allows file transfer over any of the supported fldigi modes. fldigi/flarq
FlmsgNBEMSFlmsg is a simple forms management editor for the amateur radio supported standard message formats. flmsg
FlwrapNBEMSFlwrap allows you to transmit a text message, image, or binary file to either single or multiple stations and allow each receiving station to verify that the transmission was received without error. flwrap
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